Arts and Entertainment Events
The National Music Festival in Chestertown, Maryland, brings together world-class mentors and gifted apprentice musicians on the cusp of their professional careers. Visit our Arts and Entertainment Calendar to see more of our events. Photo courtesy of the National Music Festival
Artists in Kent County
Kent County has a large arts community covering many styles and mediums. See our artists page for more information about our local artists.

Kent County Arts and Entertainment

Kent County Arts and Entertainment


Kent County has been recognized by the Maryland State Arts Council as one of the significant arts communities in the state. With this in mind, we have designed the Arts & Entertainment site to provide you with information on what the county has to offer in relation to its arts, entertainment, and cultural heritage. Check out our calendar of events as it will help you plan a fun-filled stay, enabling you to take full advantage of places to go and people to see. For more information, call the Kent County Tourism Development Office at 410-778-0416 or email