Fit Flock
Contact us, join the Flock, and let's start you towards achieving all your fitness goals!
118 South Lynchburg Street, Chestertown 21620, Maryland, Kent County
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Contact us, join the Flock, and let's start you towards achieving all your fitness goals!
- Type:
- Service Provider
- Categories:
Services, Health & Wellness
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- General info
When you work with us one-on-one, we'll be able to customize a plan that fits your specific needs. We believe everyone has different strengths and different ways of learning. We'll focus on using your strengths as motivation to achieve your overall goals, in a way you'd prefer and learn best.
If you'd prefer a team approach, Fit Flock offers small classes. The flockers (clients) that come to class are friendly and fun and it's an inviting supportive atmosphere.
Fit Flock
Contact us, join the Flock, and let's start you towards achieving all your fitness goals!