The Upper Shore STRT1UP Roadshow Pitch Competition Returns April 15, 2025



Attention entrepreneurs and innovators in Cecil, Kent, and Queen Anne’s counties—the Upper Shore STRT1UP Roadshow is back! This exciting event, hosted by Washington College and StartUp Maryland in partnership with Cecil County Economic Development, Kent County Economic Development, Queen Anne’s Economic Development, and the Upper Shore Regional Council, is a must-attend opportunity for startups, students, and business leaders.

This pitch competition is more than just a contest—it’s a chance to introduce your business, connect with potential investors, and gain valuable feedback from industry experts. Selected applicants will deliver a 4–5-minute pitch outlining their business idea, value proposition, and growth potential to a panel of judges. One first-place winner will receive a $4,000 prize, and one runner-up will be awarded $1,500. The deadline to apply to pitch is March 19th at midnight, and finalists will be notified by March 28th if they are selected to compete.

Speed Connections – Breaking the Ice with Lenders, a speed lending segment open to any Maryland business and offered by the Maryland Small Business Development Center (SBDC) and Maryland Small Business Administration (SBA), is a low-pressure, high-impact opportunity to deliver a quick pitch to multiple lenders. It’s designed to build your confidence, provide real-time feedback, and help establish valuable financial partnerships.

Attendees will gain valuable insights from two dynamic panel discussions. Where Are They Now? will showcase past pitch competition participants, sharing their journeys, lessons learned, and the impact of the competition on their businesses. Social Entrepreneurship – Innovation with Impact will explore how mission-driven businesses are creating meaningful change while remaining financially sustainable. These discussions offer inspiration, practical advice, and a chance to learn from real-world success stories.

You also won’t want to miss the opportunity to connect with key resource partners offering invaluable support for businesses and startups. Organizations such as Maryland Capital Enterprises / Women's Business Center, the Upper Shore Regional Council Business Mentor Program, TEDCO, and more will have tables showcasing their programs, funding opportunities, and expert guidance. Whether you're looking for business mentorship, financial assistance, or strategic resources to take your venture to the next level, these partners will be on hand to provide information and connect you with the tools you need to succeed.

This event is FREE to attend! Again, the deadline to apply to pitch is March 19th at midnight. To apply to pitch, register to attend, or learn more, please check out the links below.

Whether you're competing, cheering on local innovators, or looking to engage with regional business leaders, this is an event you won’t want to miss!

Apply to Pitch or Register to Attend:

2025 Upper Shore STRT1UP Roadshow Pitch Competition Event Registration

Guidelines & Eligibility

Check out last year’s video pitches!
Click Here to View the 2024 Uppershore STRT1UP Roadshow Playlist!


 2025 Schedule of Events   STRT1UP Roadshow