Kent County Commission on Aging
(Term 3 years - 12 members and 1 ex officio)
Dr. William Trainor, 12/31/2025 | Gwen Spicer, 12/31/2027 |
Olythea B. Hunley, 12/31/2026 | Vacant |
Denise Groppe, 12/31/2025 | Catherine Boyer-Sterling 12/31/2025 |
Sally Coleman, 12/31/2025 | Faye Everett, 12/31/2026 |
Carolyn Sorge 12/31/2025, Chair | Kathy Staples, 12/31/2025 |
Mary Etta Reedy, 12/31/2026 | Vacant |
Nancy Connolly, 12/31/2026 |
Effective July 1, l978, Chairman will receive $30.00 per meeting and members will receive $25.00 per meeting for reimbursement of expenses (See Code Home Rule #5-77).
This Board meets the third Friday of each month (except in July, August and December).
Created under Resolution dated February 25, l969. The Commission on Aging shall consist of representatives of groups having an interest or function related to the areas of activity affecting elderly citizens and those individuals interested in aiding in the solution of problems confronting persons in the advanced age group and ex-officio members representing agencies of the county government appropriate. Members of the Commission of Aging will be appointed by the County Commissioners and will serve for a period of three years. Members shall be eligible for reappointment and any vacancy occurring at any time in the membership of the Commission shall be filled by the County Commissioners for the unexpired term.