Kent County Board of Zoning Appeals 

(Term 3 years - 3-5 members)

Rob Davis 12/31/2027 Benjamin Legow (Alternate Member) 12/31/2025
David Hill 12/31/27 Thomas N. Yeager, Attorney

 John R. Massey 12/31/26

Date indicates expiration of term



General Information

What does it do? 

The Board of Zoning Appeals hears and decides special exceptions, variance interpretations, and appeals of any decision or determination of the Zoning Administrator in the enforcement and administration of the Land Use Ordinance.

How do I file an appeal? 

You must file an appeals form with the Planning Office, accompanied by a $350 filing fee made payable to the County Commissioners of Kent County. This form includes variances, special exceptions, and interpretations.   Appeals of decisions made by the Zoning Administrator have a filing fee of $250. Click to download an appeals form as a PDF file. Neither the Board of Appeals or the Planning Department is required to make out this application. The application should be filled in by the applicant or its agent.  If the Planning Department assists you, they cannot be held responsible for its contents.  If you have any questions, contact the Clerk at (410) 778-7467. 

Administrative Hearings 

The Kent County Land Use Ordinance allows the Planning Director, or Planning Director's designee, to administratively review variances of the yard setback requirements that do not exceed 50% of the required yard for the applicable zoning district. In addition, the following special exceptions may also be administratively heard by the Planning Director, or Planning Director's designee: accessory storage structures, accessory structures in the front yard requirement of waterfront parcels, accessory structures in the front yard of a through or corner lot, and day care groups.

You must file an application form with the Planning Department, accompanied by a $200 filing fee made payable to the County Commissioners of Kent County. Click to download an administrative hearing form as a PDF file. The Planning Department is not required to make out this application.  The application should be filled in by the applicant or its agent.  If the Planning Department assists you, they cannot be held responsible for its contents.  If you have any questions, contact the Clerk at (410) 778-7467.