Kent County Local Management Board

(Private Sector - 3 year term)

Zita Seals, 06/28/25 Jamie Barrett, 06/30/25
Terrence Moody, 06/28/25 Susan Berman, 06/30/27
Wanda Boyer, 06/30/25

Julie Barbara Gill, 06/30/27

Samantha Rivera, 06/28/25 Claudia Wayne, 06/30/27

Date indicates expiration of term.

Governmental Agency - No Term Limit

Shelly Neal-Edwards, Dept. of Social Services Kathryn Dilley, Mid Shore Behavioral Health
William Webb, Kent Co. Health Dept.

Vandrick Hamlin, Kent Co. Public Schools - Chair

Lauren Scearce, Dept. of Juvenile Services, - 


Jillyn Coleman, Kent Co. Parks & Recreation
John Price, Commissioner Liaison  


Rosemary Ramsey Granillo, Director, KCLMB
400 High Street, 1st Floor
Chestertown, MD 21620  
Office: (410)-810-2673
Direct: (443)-480-6083
Rachael Carmody, Systems of Care Coordinator
400 High Street, 1st Floor   
Chestertown, MD 21620
Office: (410)-810-2673
Direct: (443)-480-4759


Niara Wilson, Administrative Specialist/LCT CHOW
400 High Street, 1st Floor
Chestertown, MD 21620 
Office: (410)-810-2673
Direct: (443)-480-4885

The Local Management Board meets the third Thursday every other month at 9:30 a.m.

The Local Care Team meets every other Tuesday of the month at 1:00 p.m. 

KCLMB maintains the Family Resource Directory where residents can search and browse services, programs, and other community organizations. 

Find other announcements and resources at (subscribe!), follow us on Instagram, or like us on Facebook.  




The Kent County Local Management Board:

The first Local Management Boards (Board) were established during the mid-1990s in an effort to change the way services were provided to children and families in their communities. The Boards were charged with identifying priorities and targeting resources for a jurisdiction’s communities. The major focus was to increase local authority to plan, implement, and monitor children and family services.

Today, the core function of the Local Management Boards remains identifying priorities and targeting resources for a jurisdiction’s communities. The Boards serve as the coordinator of collaboration for child and family services. They bring together local child-serving agencies, local child providers, clients of services, families, and other community representatives to empower local stakeholders in addressing the needs of and setting priorities for their communities.

There is a Local Management Board in each County and in Baltimore City. Local Management Boards have engineered changes in their communities that resulted in a better quality of life for children and families. To date, the Boards have:

  • Led the way in returning and diverting children from out-of-state residential placements;
  • Administered funding for interagency services provided to children at-risk of out-of-home placements;
  • Increased collaboration between local stakeholders and agencies serving children and families; and
  • Served as the coordinating and administering agency for programs that serve the community including School-Based Health Centers, C-Safe, Youth Strategies Initiative, Maryland Afterschool Opportunity Fund, Home Visiting/Healthy Families, etc.

 Kent County Local Management Board operates as a Department of the Kent County Government. For FY23 the Board is implementing a Community Plan that seeks to reduce child poverty in Kent County by 50%. The Board funds programming that provides home visiting services for new parents experiencing poverty, an after school program for middle school students, and support and coordination for students facing chronic absenteeism. The Board's staff convene and facilitate the Board and the Local Care Team.

 FY23-FY25 Community Plan for Children, Youth & Families