Kent County Planning Commission

(Term 5 years - 7 members)

Bill Crowding, Citizen Representative

Ray Strong 12/31/26

F. Joseph Hickman (Chair) 12/31/26

Sean Jones 12/31/28

James Saunders 12/31/28

Paul J. Ruge, Jr. 12/31/26

Jonathan Quinn 12/31/29

Bill Mackey, Director of Planning and Zoning



Date indicates expiration of term.


General Information

What Does It Do?

The Planning Commission, appointed by the County Commissioners of Kent County, acts as a citizen board for all planning matters. It reviews and approves all major subdivisions and site plans. It makes recommendations to the Board of Zoning Appeals regarding variances and special exceptions. As set forth in the Land Use Article of the Annoted Code of Maryland, the Commission makes recommendations to the County Commissioners on zoning map and zoning text amendments. The Commission may also prepare ordinances and plans for review by the County Commissioners.

Prior to each meeting, the planning staff visits each site and prepares for the commission members a memo on each project which describes the project, the applicable law, applicable sections of the comprehensive plan, relevant issues and comments from the Technical Advisory Committee. It provides a recommendation to the commission on all projects.

When and Where Does it Meet?

The Planning Commission meets the first Thursday of every month at 1:30 PM in the County Commissioners' Hearing Room at 400 High Street in Chestertown. The meetings are open to the public. 

Planning Commission Bylaws